#our100days Day 80

Impact on Women & Girls

Last week, the mayor of Washington, D.C. presented her proposed 2018 budget, laying out a roadmap for inclusive prosperity. With $600 million more to spend than in the fiscal 2017 budget, Mayor Muriel Bowser’s $13.8 billion plan boosts funds devoted to housing, schools and street repairs, according to NBC Washington. With the new budget’s release, determining the impact on girls, women and their families is key to the future of the Washington region.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Join Washington Area Women’s Foundation on April 13, 2017 at 1PM ET for the release of our report and webinar on the Mayor’s proposed 2018 D.C. Budget and its impact on girls, women and low-income families in the next year. The webinar, featuring speakers from DC Coalition Against Domestic ViolenceD.C. Fiscal Policy Institute, and So Others Might Eat (SOME), will focus on housing, education, workforce development, and other services that are essential to ensuring that low-income girls, women and families are able to reach their full potential and become economically secure.

Sample Tweets:

I’m joining @TheWomensFndtn’s Apr.13 webinar on the impact of the #DC Budget on women and girls. Sign up here: wawf.org/DCBudgetWebinar #our100days

Curious about the #DC Budget’s impact on women & girls? Join @TheWomensFndtn’s webinar Apr13 to find out wawf.org/DCBudgetWebinar #our100days


#our100days Day 79

We Read Too

When you read a book, the author brings you into their world and transports you to another place. Well, one college student, who easily read three to four books a week, found solace in the words but couldn’t find herself. Noticing a lack of diversity, Kaya Thomas decided to change that by creating her app “We Read Too.” The app  is a mobile directory of books with people of color main characters written by authors of color.

”When young people don’t see themselves represented positively in books, TV, movies and other forms of media, that erasure really harms self-image and how you perceive yourself as you grow up,” says Kaya.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Help Kaya reach her Indiegogo campaign stretch goal so she can hire someone to review the books users suggest and grow the database to include 1,000 titles, create an Android version of We Read Too and initiate a UI redesign, and create a website version of her directory.

Sample Tweets:

Support @kthomas901’s @wereadtooapp, a directory for books featuring people of color: wawf.org/2oNJasI #our100days

Diversity is important in books too. Read about this directory for books featuring people of color: wawf.org/2oNJasI  #our100days


#our100days Day 78

A Conversation on Race

The New York Times has put together 25 short films that explore race and identity and challenge people to consider different perspectives. The series was created as a resource for teachers to aid in their discussions with students, but the videos and accompanying resources are powerful and can teach all us of something.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Using social media, share the videos and tell us one thing you learned.

Sample Tweets:

The @NYTimes series of short films features everyday people talking #race & #identity. Watch now: wawf.org/2ohfhQD #our100days

Just watched @NYTimes’ film series about #race & #identity! Watch & share: wawf.org/2ohfhQD #our100days


#our100days Day 77

In Her Own Words

The Women’s Voices Theater Festival will return to DC in January 2018, after a two-year hiatus! As part of the festival, approximately 30 theaters will feature new works by female playwrights. According to a Washington Post article, organizers sight a troubling statistic as part of the impetus for the festival: only 1 in 5 new works are by female playwrights.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

The Washington region is home to a vibrant arts community from theaters to museums to music venues. As you head into the weekend, share with us one of your favorite venues and/or female artist using  #our100days.

Sample Tweets:

Did you know only 1 in 5 works are by female playwrights? Read more about it here: wawf.org/2p5KnrJ #our100days

My favorite female playwright is ______. #our100days

Who’s your favorite female playwright? Mine is ______. #our100days


#our100days Day 76

Baby Steps

What a week for women’s sports! Last week, we shared that the US women’s hockey team had successfully negotiated a new contract just days before the opening of the World Championships. Since then, they have crushed their opponents, and will now play Germany in the semifinals tomorrow.
On Sunday, Coach Dawn Staley of the University of South Carolina became the second African American to win a national title in women’s basketball when the Gamecocks defeated Mississippi State. Coach Staley was also named head coach of the US women’s basketball Olympic team in 2020.
And yesterday, the US women’s soccer team announced that it has agreed to a new contract that increases compensation, per diem and other travel benefits, as well as support for players who are pregnant or adopting.

Could the times be changing? Are we gaining momentum?

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Using #our100days, give a shout out on social media to a female athlete you admire and tell us why!

Sample Tweets:

My favorite female athlete is @_____ because she _______. #our100days

Giving a shoutout to my fave female athlete @____ because ________. #our100days


#our100days Day 75

Get Out and Vote

You’re probably used to seeing those words around November every two or four years, but it’s important to understand which local elections might be happening around you. For example, the Commonwealth of Virginia will hold a statewide primary election on June 13, and a gubernatorial election on November 7. If you can’t vote– encourage your neighbors, colleagues, family and friends to get out and vote.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

We’re participating in the Women’s March on Washington’s #HearOurVote action.
Click here to check your voter registration status and encourage others to do the same!
• Consider hosting or participating in a voter registration drive in your community.
• Know the voter registration laws in your state.
Learn more about attempts to restrict and expand voter registration laws across the country.
Using social media, #our100days, share with us what you learn!

Sample Tweets:

Not sure if you’re registered to vote? Check your registration status here: wawf.org/2oF1yB0  #our100days #hearourvote

Learn the voter registration laws in your state: wawf.org/2nB359t 
#our100days #vote #hearourvote


#our100days Day 74

Equal Pay Day

Equal Pay Day symbolizes on average how far into the new year women in the United States have to work to earn what men did the previous year. More than ever, families rely on women’s earnings to make ends meet. In the Washington region, 72 percent of mothers with young children participate in the workforce and, nationwide, 40 percent of mothers are either the sole or primary breadwinner in their households. Equal pay would reduce poverty levels among women, and would increase every woman’s ability to provide for herself and her family.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Join @AAUW and equal pay advocates for an #EqualPayDay Twitter storm from 2-3pm today. Raise your voice to ensure that ALL women are paid what they’re worth.

Sample Tweets:

Tweet & talk about solutions for the gender pay gap with @AAUW today @ 2p.m! wawf.org/2nUAuzv #our100days #EqualPayDay

How are you spending #EqualPayDay? Join @AAUW today @ 2 p.m to chat about the gender pay gap: wawf.org/2nUAuzv#our100days


#our100days Day 73

Got Liquid Assets?

April is Financial Literacy Month. Did you know that according to CFED nearly half of households in the U.S. do not have a basic safety net to weather emergencies? Households of color face greater disparities, with nearly 61% of households classified as asset poor compared to just 35% of white households. Liquid asset poverty measures the minimum amount of liquid savings (i.e., cash, retirement savings, checking account, etc.) a household would need to get by at the poverty level in the event that an emergency left them without income.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Use this calculator to determine how much in liquid savings your household would need to avoid falling into liquid asset poverty. Share what you learn with us on social media using #our100days.

Sample Tweet:

Could you weather a financial crisis? Find out with this great calculator courtesy of @cfed bit.ly/1BM9PoX #our100days


#our100days Day 72

Career Pathways for Early Educators

New regulations in DC will require certain early care professionals to obtain college degrees by 2020 in an effort to improve the quality of care and education. This change responds to a National Academies report on the early care workforce and is tied to a broader regional effort to create career pathways for early care professionals.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

This Washington Post article provides a good overview of the new regulations and the challenges facing the early care workforce. Take a look and share on social media using #our100days.


#our100days Day 71

Gender Equity Achieved!

Today, women across the country can celebrate achieving parity with their male counterparts in all key data indicators and in all aspects of their lives…

April Fools!

Unfortunately, this is not today’s reality and that fact alone is no joke.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Using #our100days on social media, share your creative April Fools headlines or key statistics that you want to see changed.