In the Washington metropolitan region, nearly half a million women and girls are living in or near poverty. We all have a stake in building the economic security of our region’s women and girls. The Women’s Foundation works to mobilize our community and provide solutions to eliminate the persistent barriers that disproportionately hinder women and girls from achieving economic security.

Battling season-induced smallness.

‘Tis the season. There’s eggnog and lights and holiday parties a plenty. Merriment and jingle bells and a gift giving frenzy. But let’s not

The "p" word and polite society.

At this week’s Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers Annual Meeting, Ralph Smith, Senior Vice President of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, noted that it

Philanthropic leaders salute Stepping Stones!

Philanthropic leaders gathered today at the Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers Annual Meeting had many different opinions and thoughts on issues of local and

Giving Out Loud!

Marjorie forwarded an article entitled “Women’s Philanthropy Group Goes Public with Causes; Menlo-based Network Enters Political Fray With Ad” that got me thinking; what

First Week, First Blog

In the “can-do-right-now” spirit of the Women’s Foundation, I offer my first blog in my first week as Director of Communications and Philanthropic Programs!

Oprah Forces Philanthropy

Oprah’s latest gift to her ever enraptured audience was a feeling, not a Ferrari. She has challenged 300 people to accept $1,000 with the

THEARC for Everybody

Yesterday, I had my second visit to the THEARC (The Town Hall Education Arts & Recreation Campus), which is the new home of the

Let’s pop women’s philanthropy…..

There’s a growing movement of women who have given a million dollars to help women and girls. And hey, with women starting business and

60% to the $50,000 challenge

Friends, I am pleased to say that one week after the Leadership Luncheon we are rapidly approaching utilizing the full $50,000 match provided by

What Muhammad Yunus knows and we aim to prove in the Washington Area

Today the world heard that Yunus (as he is known in the international development world) has been honored with the Nobel prize. What Muhammad