In the Washington metropolitan region, nearly half a million women and girls are living in or near poverty. We all have a stake in building the economic security of our region’s women and girls. The Women’s Foundation works to mobilize our community and provide solutions to eliminate the persistent barriers that disproportionately hinder women and girls from achieving economic security.

Even more philanthropy book picks for your reading pleasure…

As a follow on to our last post on recommendations for good philanthropy-related reading, we wanted to let you in on the final results

Philanthropy book picks for your reading pleasure…

As Britton said, “Lisa, do you know that you just used the phrase ‘blogging buddy’ and ‘blogging carnival’ in one e-mail?  What is that? 

Saying No to Get to Yes

It seems that giving should be easy, and like love, limitless in possibility.  But it isn’t easy and limits, particularly where bank accounts are

Issues and Impact: Documenting That Nebulous Social Change

Philosophers wonder about the chronological concerns of chickens and eggs. Those in Homeland Security wrangle the line between safety and liberty. Corporate CEOs debate strategies for

Greys: Still going philanthropy!

Well, I’m sure I don’t need to tell you this, dear loyal readers, since I am sure that after last week’s endorsement of Grey’s

Money is not a four letter word.

Earlier this month, Andrea Learned posted a Census finding revealing that money holds more weight than life purpose for young people today—compared to youth

Grey's goes philanthropy.

I love Grey’s Anatomy, even more than I love Google and Goodsearch.  I agree completely with Oprah, when she says, "If you’re not watching

A shout out to the ten dollar donor.

It’s been a big week for the little guy (or gal) of philanthropy this week, it seems, between two of my favorite bloggers, Dollar

Claudia Thorne brings home the power of giving together!

Hi all, Anne here, and I just had to note for everyone how thrilled I was to open my Washington Post on Sunday and read Claudia

2007: Your Year for Helping Women and Girls!

2006 hasn’t been a bad year for us girls.    The Nobel Prize went to Dr. Muhammed Yunus, father of micro-credit and the Grameen bank,