Washington Area Women's Foundation Weekly

In this week’s top stories: A new survey examines the lives of African American women.  The long-term benefits of a high-quality early education. An in-depth look at why DC residents leave high school before graduating.  Plus, one city in our area is named one of the best-paying cities for women.

The Washington Post takes an in-depth look at a new survey on the lives of African American women. “Results of a survey paint a complex portrait of black women who feel confident but vulnerable, who have high self-esteem and see physical beauty as important, who find career success more vital to them than marriage.”

Early education for low-income students has long-term benefits, according to a new study from the University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill.  The study found that adults who received a high-quality early education were still reaping the benefits 30 years later.

— WAMU is examining the high school drop out crisis in DC.  In the first installment in a series of reports, two women reflect on why four generations of their family members have not completed high school.

— Washington, DC is number three on a list of the top 20 best-paying cities for women.  According to Forbes.com, women’s mean earnings in DC in 2010 were $64,779.  However, that’s just 75% of what men’s earnings were.

New Year's Resolutions for Women and Girls

This month, we invited our Grantee Partners to share some of their New Year’s resolutions with us.  Their passion and commitment to transforming the lives of women and girls and improving our community are evident in the aspirational goals they’ve set for themselves this year.

Read on to find out what some of our grantees will be doing for our region in 2012 and tell us in the comments below what you envision for women and girls this year.  Washington Area Women’s Foundation will be sharing our own list of resolutions later this month in a special e-mail message from Foundation President Nicky Goren.  Make sure you learn what we’re planning for 2012 by signing up to get monthly e-mails today!

IWPR’s 2012 Resolutions

  • During this election year, get people talking about the issues that affect women, such as jobs and the economy, the gender wage gap and workplace discrimination, STEM education, Social Security and retirement, work/family balance, and maternal and child health.
  • Celebrate our 25th anniversary by marking the progress that women have made while highlighting areas where policy changes could make a huge difference in advancing women, families, and communities.
  • Illustrate the current status of women displaced by Hurricane Katrina through an upcoming report that also identifies their specific needs.
  • Improve success rates for student parents by sharing best practices and forging strong partnerships with administrators, practitioners, advocates, and policymakers within the worlds of higher education, youth development, and early care and education.
  • Give young women opportunities to gain career experience while expanding their knowledge of research and policy issues through our internship and fellowship programs.

Goodwill of Greater Washington’s 2012 Resolutions

  • In 2012, Goodwill of Greater Washington resolves to train, equip and place nearly 200 people into local jobs that support the local economy. We anticipate that these 200 jobs will come through the continued expansion of Goodwill’s retail stores, as well as the placement efforts from our intensive job training programs;
  • Goodwill of Greater Washington also resolves to continue providing 600+ jobs to local residents through our retail stores, janitorial contracts, and administrative and support divisions, many of which are filled by people who face significant disabilities or other barriers to employment.

NOVACO’s 2012 Resolutions

At a client Life Skills meeting at NOVACO in January, several clients set goals and made resolutions.  They included:

  • believing in themselves so that they could achieve their goals;
  • being better parents; and
  • setting small goals and telling themselves that they could accomplish those goals.

One mother, Kay, reflected on how much she’s achieved so far.  She earned her high school diploma through night classes, learned to drive and got her driver’s license, and worked with lawyers to get a work permit.  She also improved her parenting skills while she worked full-time at a restaurant and was offered a management position after just one year.  She volunteered her free time as a pen pal and greeter for the USO.

DCVLP’s 2012 Resolution

The DC Volunteer Lawyers Project resolution is that every victim of domestic violence in DC seeking a civil protection order who wants representation by an attorney will have one this year.

SMYAL’s Women’s Leadership Institute’s 2012 Resolutions

  • Provide a much-needed free space for young women to gather and form community.
  • Using that space, build our community of women and strengthen our bonds through discussion and shared service.
  • Promote further discussion about maintaining healthy relationships, recognizing unhealthy relationships, and combating domestic violence.
  • Develop connections to extend our diverse community deeper into the DC metro area and beyond.
  • Seek out community partners and collaborate on at least four service projects.
  • Connect more young women to mentorship opportunities with local volunteers.
  • Long-term resolution: Create a community of confident, empowered women through opportunities for leadership development and civic engagement.

FAIR Girls’ 2012 Resolutions

We, FAIR Girls, resolve to work as hard as we can to make sure that by the end of 2012…

  • 200 teen girl survivors of exploitation have received compassionate care, including counseling, emergency housing, assistance in finding legal and medical support, resume building and job placement, educational attainment support, and a sense of family and community at FAIR Girls.
  • 1000 teen girls and boys in high schools and youth shelters have participated in our Tell Your Friends workshop and have learned how to keep themselves safe from sexual exploitation and trafficking.
  • 1000 law enforcement officers, teachers, and social workers are better able to identify and assist victims of trafficking having attending a FAIR Girls training.
  • A law, inspired by Daisy, will have passed in Washington, D.C. ensuring that all missing teenage girls are considered “critical missing” and have access to FAIR Girls and our partners’ services when they are found.
  • 2000 hours of art therapy and economic empowerment workshops will have helped inspire and restore more than 125 girls.

Thank you to the Grantee Partners who shared their resolutions with us!  You can share your thoughts in the comments below and don’t forget to register for our e-newsletter to learn more about The Women’s Foundation’s plans for 2012.

The Women's Foundation Supporters Volunteer on the MLK Day of Service

MLK Memorial PhotoEarlier this month, Women’s Foundation President Nicky Goren issued a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day call to action on this blog. Nearly 100 volunteers responded and joined The Women’s Foundation at A Wider Circle.  A Grantee Partner of The Women’s Foundation, A Wider Circle provides basic need items to local families.  The furniture, clothing, home goods and food items are donated and volunteers helped sort and prepare items for families in need.

“It was a very special morning,” said Barb Strom Thompson, a volunteer and board member of The Women’s Foundation.  “[It] generated a few tears of gratitude for the opportunity to share the morning with so many like-minded people.”

Take a look at this photo album for a few of the highlights:

Washington Area Women’s Foundation Weekly

In this week’s roundup of news affecting women and girls in our community: We wonder what Dr. King might say about the high rate of poverty among women and girls in the DC area.  The top five findings of 2011 from the Institute of Women’s Policy Research.  The impact of Pre-K on the achievement gap.  Is it time for a poverty revolution?  Plus, a young, aspiring scientist is headed for a national competition as her family deals with homelessness.

— Ahead of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, Women’s Foundation President Nicky Goren visits the MLK Memorial and reflects on what Dr. King would think about more than 200,000 women and girls living in poverty in the DC region.

— The Women’s Foundation is inviting supporters to join us and volunteer at A Wider Circle on MLK Day.  Click here for details.

— The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) — a Women’s Foundation Grantee Partner — has posted a list of their top five findings of 2011. Topics on the list include how women have fared during the economic recovery, the unmet child care needs of student parents and how much paid sick days would save taxpayers.

East of the River Magazine explores the innovative work of AppleTree Early Learning Public Charter School.  The article also takes a look at the impact a quality Pre-K education can have on the achievement gap.  AppleTree is a Women’s Foundation Grantee Partner.

— “In the fight against poverty, it’s time for a revolution,” David Bornstein writes in a commentary on The New York Times website. Bornstein calls for re-defining poverty, restructuring how social services are handled, and focusing on collaborative, long-term solutions.

— Here’s your feel great story of the week: a 17-year-old Long Island high school student whose family had to move into a homeless shelter a year ago is a semifinalist in the Intel Science Talent Search competition.  Samantha Garvey says she doesn’t have the best home life, but she hopes that she made her parents proud by being one of just 300 students nationwide to participate in the semifinals of the competition.  You can watch her story here:

On the Menu: Eating Ethically

eatethicallyRestaurant Week has returned to DC and each time I brave a packed restaurant for a prix fixe meal, I have flashbacks to one of my first experiences in the restaurant industry.  Back before the Curse of the Bambino was broken, I worked in a popular restaurant that was about a block away from Fenway Park.  Always a busy place, we’d get particularly slammed on the opening day of the Red Sox’s season.  We’d open early in the morning and serve “breakfast pizza” and beer.  This was followed by lunch pizza and beer.  And then there’d be beer for dinner.  The secret to serving hundreds of hungry Red Sox fans seemed to be a good sense of humor, speed, and the ability to keep your butt away from grabby hands (or at least a manager who was understanding when beer ended up in the lap of someone with grabby hands).

When I was doing my job well, none of my customers knew how frazzled I was or how hard I was working – and that’s sort of the double-edged sword of making a job look easy.  Working in a restaurant is tough.  Everyone – from the hostess at the front of the house to the food preparers at the back of the house – is on their feet for hours at a time and is constantly moving.  There’s always something to carry and those who work in the kitchen are enduring extreme heat.

If you’re having a great dining experience, you won’t know any of that.  You also won’t know if the cook is sick, if your server isn’t being fairly paid, or if your food runner can’t get a promotion because of gender or race discrimination.

Restaurant Opportunities Center-DC (ROC-DC), however, believes that you should educate yourself about where you eat.  A Grantee Partner of The Women’s Foundation, ROC-DC is a membership-based worker center dedicated to winning improved conditions and raising industry standards for all D.C. restaurant workers.  They’ve also released a diners’ guide that makes it easy for customers to evaluate more than 150 restaurants nationwide.

“More than half of all restaurant workers earn incomes below the federal poverty line, and workers of color are concentrated in the industry’s lowest-wage positions,” according to Restaurant Opportunities Centers United. Women make up a slight majority of all restaurant employees.

Some restaurants don’t have paid sick days, which means that employees go to work even when they’re sick and there are signs of discrimination.

“Something that’s very chilling to us… [is that] in DC, there’s nearly a 50% wage differential between white women and women of color in the restaurant industry,” says Bonnie Kwon, a coordinator at ROC-DC.

Fortunately, there are plenty of restaurants that are committed to providing employees with fair compensation and a safe work environment.  The diners’ guide rates restaurants and lists those that pay fair wages and offer benefits like sick days.   In addition to using the diners’ guide, Bonnie suggests that you ask servers and managers what their policies are and how much staff is paid. “Be an aware, conscious consumer,” she adds.

If you’re headed out to enjoy a meal during restaurant week or at any other time, I suggest taking a quick look at the Diners’ Guide 2012, which is available for free online.  The more enjoyable your meal, the more likely it is that the restaurant staff is working extremely hard to make the experience a good one.  They, like all of us, deserve the respect and dignity of a fair work place.

One more thing – even though I made a joke about it earlier, putting your hands on a waitress or waiter is not funny; it’s sexual harassment, so be sure to tip and keep your hands off your server.

Washington Area Women's Foundation Weekly

Medical symbol [credit cogdogblog]We’re starting out the new year with some changes to the blog, including this weekly roundup of news and events affecting women and girls in the Washington metro region.  Let us know what you think in the comments!  In this week’s roundup: Free health screenings on MLK Day…. Proposed changes to how home care aides are paid…. Raising standards for Head Start…. Tips for teen job seekers…. And a review of a movie about one of the most powerful women of the last century.

United Way of the National Capital Area is holding two free health screenings on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  Residents will also have the opportunity to consult with a physician at the screenings.  They’ll be held from 10am to 4pm in Annandale, VA and Colmar Manor, MD.  Please click here for more details.

The US Department of Labor is proposing changes to the regulations for in-home care providers.  The changes would extend the minimum wage and overtime coverage of companionship and live-in workers.  According to Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis: “The vast majority of these workers are women, many of whom serve as the primary breadwinner for their families.” The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that home health care will be one of the fastest growing occupations of the 21st Century.  Comments to the proposed changes can be submitted by February 27th.  Click here for details.

IMPACT Silver Spring, a Women’s Foundation Grantee Partner, is accepting nominations for the 2012 Momentum Awards.  The awards “seek to recognize those individuals and organizations that are activating the power of our community’s diversity to build momentum toward positive social, economic and civic impact.  Please click here to find out how to begin the nomination process.

Raising standards for Head Start programs nationwide strengthens a program that is critically important to children and their parents, writes The New York Times editorial board. Even if the overall quality of the preschool program is improved, however, financing for it may be at risk when spending cuts kick in during the 2013 fiscal year.  “Preschool for disadvantaged children should not be another casualty of the budget wars.”

Goodwill, a Women’s Foundation Grantee Partner, has tips for first-time teenage job seekers. In addition to ideas for possible positions, advice includes getting your foot in the door and legal restrictions on teen employees.  The Employment Policies Institute reports that teen unemployment is three times the national rate.

“The Iron Lady,” the biopic about Margaret Thatcher, “one of the most powerful and consequential women of the 20th century,” is out and The New York Times’ review is lukewarm. A.O. Scott praises Meryl Streep’s portrayal of the former British prime minister, but says the film’s writer and director create confusion when they “celebrate their heroine as a feminist pioneer while showing her to be tragically unfulfilled according to traditional standards of feminine accomplishment.”  If you see “The Iron Lady” this weekend, let us know what you thought in the comments section below.

Photo credit: cogdogblog via Creative Commons

Careers for Women: A Key to Economic Recovery

IMG_0096Last month, The Women’s Foundation was among a group of organizations and individuals invited to an important discussion about women and the economy held by the White House Council on Women and Girls.  Created by President Obama in 2009, the Council works to ensure that federal agencies are taking the needs of women and girls into account as they draft policies and create programs.

At the briefing on women and the economy, we got a sobering look at how women have been impacted by the recession and recovery.  It shouldn’t be a surprise that administration officials say jobs will be the key to all of us – women and men – recovering successfully.

Dr. Judith Hellerstein of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers explained that working women have been concentrated in industries that fared better at the beginning of the recession.  Since the recovery began, however, industries where women are concentrated (e.g., the public sector) have not fared as well.  Dr. Hellerstein added that African American women and Latinas have faced the highest increase in unemployment rates and African American women continue to lose jobs drastically.

So what are the jobs that will help women get onto successful career pathways now and into the future?

“Women have to think green,” said Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis.  “Green is going to be the future.”

Secretary Solis said that 2.7 million jobs have already been created in the green sector.  She also said that more women need to be exploring careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

Dr. Rebecca Blank from the U.S. Department of Congress told us that STEM jobs are growing faster than other sectors and pay 26% more; however women and people of color are enormously underrepresented in the field:

  • 24% of STEM workers are women;
  • 6% of STEM workers are black;
  • 6% of STEM workers are Hispanic.

So why do fewer women enter a growing field that pays well?  Dr. Blank said that while women are more likely than men to go to college, they are much less likely to enter college prepared for STEM studies.  She suggested that positive attention focused on science and math for girls beginning at an early age would benefit them from elementary school into their careers.

“Girls can do science and math, have great fun doing it and contribute to the world!” Dr. Blank said.

There are many fantastic organizations right here in our community that are working to prepare girls and women for these types of careers.  The Campagna Center, for example, used a grant from Washington Area Women’s Foundation’s Rainmakers Giving Circle to start a program that encourages students at T.C. Williams High School to explore STEM careers.  The Latinas Empowered to Achieve their Potential (LEAP) program helps students improve their leadership skills, learn more about topics like physics, and conduct their own experiments.

Goodwill of Greater Washington – another Women’s Foundation Grantee Partner – holds green construction classes for adults through the Green Pathway DC program.  The 10-week pre-apprenticeship program includes four weeks of green construction training and three weeks of weatherization, green advantage or smart meter installation.

“We’ve seen an increase in women coming through the program.  There was a time when there weren’t any women and now we’re seeing three or four,” Latoria Strickland told me last year.  Latoria is a senior career trainer with Green Pathway DC.

Our Grantee Partner Year Up also takes a hands-on approach, training young people for internships and jobs in Information/Technology.  In addition to practical lessons in IT, Year Up helps young people think about career pathways.girl at computer

“My internship phase allowed me to meet with the head of my company and collaborate with them,” said Kimberly Holloway, a recent graduate who now works for a cyber intelligence company.  “It really opened up a lot of opportunities for me financial-wise and professionally.”

Programs like these are setting up women and their families to have brighter futures.  By providing women and girls with the resources that will enable them to enter career pathways with stability, benefits and family-sustaining pay, we’re making investments in the economic well-being of our entire community.

Dr. Adriana Kugler, chief economist at the U.S. Department of Labor summed it up best: “By helping women, we’re helping the entire country.”

Washington Area Women’s Foundation Awards $240,000 in Grants to Local Nonprofits

Earlier today, the Associated Press reported that a record number of Americans have fallen into poverty or are barely scraping by.  1 in 2 people are poor or low-income, the AP found, and safety net programs have kept poverty from rising even higher.  It is facts like these that prompted Washington Area Women’s Foundation to focus its work on economic security for women and girls and to make strategic investments in programs that have an impact.

At its quarterly meeting this week Washington Area Women’s Foundation’s board of directors approved $240,000 in grants to eight area nonprofits whose work is transforming the lives of women and girls.

“Our grants to these outstanding organizations represent an investment in the potential of every woman and girl in our community,” said Nicky Goren, president of Washington Area Women’s Foundation. “When women and girls prosper, our entire region benefits.”

Five of the nonprofits received funding from the Foundation’s Early Care and Education Funders Collaborative (ECEFC), a partnership between national and local private foundations, corporate funders and family foundations to increase access to quality early care and education in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.

“It is especially important for young children from low- and moderate-income families to have the social, emotional and intellectual foundation they need to be successful in school and beyond,” said Stacey Collins, manager of Client & Community Relations at The PNC Financial Services Group and member of the ECEFC steering committee. “These five grant recipients are doing innovative and effective work that is transforming the lives of children and their families.”

The ECEFC Grantee Partners are:

  • CentroNía ($50,000)
  • Empower DC ($50,000)
  • Fairfax Futures ($50,000)
  • Hopkins House ($25,000)
  • Voices for Virginia’s Children ($50,000)

Three nonprofits received funding from the African American Women’s Giving Circle.  The giving circle supports African American women-led organizations that improve the lives of African American women and girls in the Washington region.

The African American Women’s Giving Circle Grantee Partners are:

  • New Community for Children ($6,070)
  • Our Place DC ($6,070)
  • Petals of Primrose ($2,000)

A poverty fact sheet released earlier this year by The Women’s Foundation and The Urban Institute showed that the number of women and girls living in poverty in the region rose to more than 200,000.  For more trends and statistics on the rising local poverty rate, please click here.

And for more information on Washington Area Women’s Foundation, the ECEFC, the African American Women’s Giving Circle or the nonprofits receiving grants, please go to www.TheWomensFoundation.org or contact Mariah Craven at mcraven@wawf.org or (202)347-7737 x207.

The Daily Rundown — The Latest News Affecting Women & Girls in Our Region

eatethicallyIn today’s rundown: how to ensure that the employees at your favorite restaurants are being treated fairly.  Plus, a new study shows that women drive most charitable giving.

— Eating ethically is on the menu, thanks to Restaurant Opportunities Center United and its 2012 Diners’ Guide, which includes information on wages, benefits and promotion practices of some of the most popular restaurants in America. The Diners’ Guide was created because so many restaurant employees — especially women, immigrants and people of color — do not earn living wages, benefits and opportunities to move into better positions.  Restaurant Opportunities Center DC is a Women’s Foundation Grantee Partner.

— Women are either the sole decision maker or equal partners in making decisions about charitable giving in 90 percent of high networth households, according to a new study released by Indiana University’s Center on Philanthropy and Bank of America.  The Nonprofit Quarterly breaks down the highlights of the study and explores how this will impact how charities approach donors.

The Daily Rundown — The Latest News Affecting Women & Girls in Our Region

In today’s rundown: A special after school guest for the students at Horton’s Kids.  A look at why unemployment is so high in some parts of DC even though there are many jobs available.  Plus, analysis of the latest unemployment numbers and what they mean for women.

— Tomorrow afternoon the students at Horton’s Kids will have some special help with their homework — U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will be visiting the nonprofit during its weekly tutoring session.  The visit is part of the 2011 Combined Federal Campaign.  Horton’s Kids is a Women’s Foundation Grantee Partner.

— Washington, DC has plenty of jobs and, in some wards, plenty of unemployment. The disconnect, reports DCentric, is that many residents are lacking the skills and credentials they need to get jobs.  DCentric is looking into what can be done to help unskilled residents find jobs.

— More than 300,000 women dropped out of the labor force last month, according to The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), which analyzed data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. IWPR — a Women’s Foundation Grantee Partner — also found that women who maintain families without a spouse have much higher unemployment rates than other groups.