#our100days Day 40

Celebrate Her-story

Susan B. Anthony. Marie Curie. Malala Yousafzai. Ella Fitzgerald. Mother Theresa. Rosa Parks. Harriet Tubman. Oprah Winfrey. Wangari Maathai.

All women who have changed the course of herstory…

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Join us as we celebrate women who have made a difference, whether near or far. Share your favorite woman changemaker and why, on social media using #our100days.

Sample Tweets:

My favorite woman changemaker is ______ because she ____________ #our100days

Celebrating #WomensHistoryMonth with #our100days. My favorite female icon: ______ who is yours? #our100days


#our100days Days 39

Get Financially Fit

As part of America Saves Week, today is Family Savings Day. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has put together a number of resources for parents and caregivers to assist children in their financial development.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Take a moment to review the CFPB materials and share with others using #our100days

Sample Tweet:

Kids learn from adults, whether teaching them or not. Get financially fit w/ help from @CFPB: bit.ly/2jlU4jS #ASW17 #our100days


#our100days Day 38

Rebuilding Together

Rebuilding Together Montgomery County (RTMC) works in partnership with state and local governments, community volunteers, nonprofit service providers, and corporate partners to provide free critical home repairs, energy efficiency upgrades, and accessibility modifications to the county’s most vulnerable residents. RTMC is now partnering with She Builds, a national movement that brings together female leadership to transform neighborhoods into thriving places.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

RTMC is currently in the process of putting together an inaugural women-led committee in preparation for a She Builds event they are hosting in April 2017. Consider committing your time and skills to rebuilding a life and restoring hope for a family in need. Click here to complete the registration form.


#our100days Day 37

And the Oscar Goes To…

It’s Hollywood’s biggest night, and with the most diverse list of nominations in history, tonight’s awards show is sure to be record-breaking.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

And the Oscar goes to… Tell us who you’re rooting for and why and share it with us on Facebook or Twitter using #our100days.

Sample Tweet:

Love the diversity in the #Oscars this year — & I’m rooting for _______ to win! #our100days


#our100days Day 36

Past, Present and Future

Techbridge Girls continues to celebrate Black History Month with CEO, Nikole Collins-Puri, participating in the 5th Annual Sirius XM African Ancestry Affinity Group’s Black History Month program, entitled Disruptors: Past, Present and Future moderated by Kim Hunter. Ms. Puri will be joined by Shawn Wilson (Multicultural and Community Engagement Manager, Ford Motor Company Fund), Lindsey Day (Co-Founder and Editor-In-Chief, CRWN Magazine), and Michael Garner (President, 100 Black Men).

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Listen to a dynamic group of panelists share strategies and efforts to increase cultural awareness and dispel misconceptions about the African American Community. The broadcast will replay Saturday, February 25th @ 7pm EST and Sunday, February 26th @ 8pm EST, and will air on On Demand beginning Friday, February 24th.

Sample Tweet:

Listen to a dynamic group share strategies & efforts to increase awareness about the black community: wawf.org/2lEFENd #our100days


#our100days Day 35

Care About Child Care

WTOP just completed a five-part series called “Child Care Crisis,” where they examined the struggle to find affordable, convenient, quality child care in the Washington region; the toll that this struggle can take on families; and potential solutions.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Did you know that the average income for a child care professional in 2014 in the Washington region was $26,532, barely above the poverty guidelines for a family of three? Click here to learn more about the state of early care and education in our region, listen to the WTOP series, and share your thoughts using #our100days.

Sample Tweets:

Child care isn’t working for anybody in #DC region via @WTOP #our100days wawf.org/2lL07lI

Every public $ invested in early care & education saves taxpayers ~$13 in future costs @TheWomensFndtn wawf.org/2l4WUcs #our100days

Why quality #childcare matters via @WTOP #our100days wawf.org/2lPD9Kt


#our100days Day 34

Give a Mom a Helping Hand

So Others Might Eat’s Thea Bowman House for Women and Children provides low-income and homeless DC mothers with family-centered residential addiction treatment without being separated from their children. Almost half of the women seeking treatment in the District are mothers with dependent children, many of whom are hesitant to get the help they need if it means leaving their children behind. Thea Bowman’s programming includes addictions treatment, mental health services, pre- and post-natal medical care, parenting education, family therapy, relapse prevention and recovery support.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

SOME is in need of items for babies: baby bedding, bibs, baby dinner ware and diapers (larger sizes not newborn). Contact: Rebecca Tianello rtianello@some.org

Sample Tweets:

@SOME is in need of baby items! Contact rtianello@some.org to donate to a mother in need today! #our100days

I just donated baby items to @SOME! You can too by contacting rtianello@some.org or visiting wawf.org/2m9ab8R #our100days


#our100days Day 33

Sound of Music

Music has always been a powerful force for change. ESPN recently published a six-part series, The Anthem Project, which features contemporary artists’ take on legendary protest songs and civil rights standards and their impact.

At this pivotal time where now more than ever, we all need positivity, encouragement and inspiration — and music can be the gift that keeps on giving.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Tell us your favorite empowerment song and we’ll add it to a special Spotify playlist for #our100days, which we’ll share on social media and our website.

Sample Tweets:

My favorite song that lifts me up is ________________ #our100days

Excited to add my favorite song ________ by ________ to the #our100days playlist!


#our100days Day 32

Mind The Gap

According to an Asset Building Strategies’ report, “Today, the women’s wealth gap is far greater than the income gap. While women earn about 79 cents on the dollar compared to men, they own only 32 cents; and women of color own only pennies on the dollar compared to white men and white women.”

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Asset Building Strategies’ January 2017 report, “Closing the Women’s Wealth Gap—What It Is, Why It Matters, and What Can Be Done About It,” explores these statistics and more. Read and share the report, and share what you learned using #our100days.

Sample Tweets:

I just read Asset Building Strategies’ report about closing the #women’s wealth gap – and you should too! wawf.org/2lsCEWH #our100days

Find out why closing the women’s wealth gap matters by reading & sharing this report: wawf.org/2lsCEWH #our100days


#our100days Day 31

Watch Her Lead

According to the Center for American Progress, women hold almost 52 percent of jobs, but there are only 14.6 percent of executive officers and 4.6 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs. Despite the low numbers, we all know women leaders at the head of their companies and organizations, who are making lasting change in their communities.

On March 7th, Washington Business Journal and The Women’s Foundation are shining a light on local women leaders in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. The Women Who Lead Event brings together women from all stages of their careers to hear how they charted their own personal paths to success.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Share the Women Who Lead Event with your colleagues and share/tag/post women leaders in your community that you admire!

Sample Tweet:

@_________ is a woman leader in my community & I admire here because she ______ #our100days