In the Washington metropolitan region, nearly half a million women and girls are living in or near poverty. We all have a stake in building the economic security of our region’s women and girls. The Women’s Foundation works to mobilize our community and provide solutions to eliminate the persistent barriers that disproportionately hinder women and girls from achieving economic security.

Early childhood education finds advocates in unusual places.

Access to quality early childhood education is finding articulate advocates in unusual places, including voices from the Federal Reserve Bank. The economic argument for

Stimulating talk: ESP and savings

No not Extra-Sensory Perception, I’m talking about the Economic Stimulus Payments. Beginning in May, the IRS will send Economic Stimulus Payment checks to over

Christine: How Stepping Stones changed my financial future.

Christine Walker came to Washington, D.C. in 2002 from Milwaukee for better professional growth opportunities. Eager to advance her career, she enrolled in public

2008 Stepping Stones Research Briefing: Calling all presenters!

We are seeking presenters for the 2008 Stepping Stones Research Briefing to be held the morning of Friday, May 16, 2008 at The Urban

Stepping Stones Research Update: January 2008

As part of our ongoing commitment–in partnership with The Urban Institute–to providing information and resources related to the goals of Stepping Stones, please find

What are women business owners contributing to our economy?

Inspired by Roxana’s post on women entrepreneurs and the study Trinity University conducted for The Women’s Foundation about how to support them, I couldn’t

Trinity develops resource for D.C.'s entrepreneurial women!

As a recent Stepping Stones Grantee Partner (I’m an associate professor at Trinity University in Washington, D.C.), I partnered with students in three of

Voice and Vision Forums inspire discussion, direction.

As The Women’s Foundation’s Stepping Stones Phase 2: Voice and Vision forums come to an end, many wonderful, enlightening thoughts on the future of

Women Moving Millions: What giving a million gave me in return.

Today marks a huge day in women’s philanthropy—the official launch of the National Women Moving Millions campaign. This campaign is the first time that

Thanks to The Women's Foundation for the experience of a lifetime!

Dear Washington Area Women’s Foundation, My name is Sharon Wise and I’m one of the students enrolled in the Female Property Management Certificate training at