In the Washington metropolitan region, nearly half a million women and girls are living in or near poverty. We all have a stake in building the economic security of our region’s women and girls. The Women’s Foundation works to mobilize our community and provide solutions to eliminate the persistent barriers that disproportionately hinder women and girls from achieving economic security.

DCWA: DC Council candidates respond to issues important to local women.

In an election guide released this week by the DC Women’s Agenda, DC Council candidates were challenged to find solutions to staggering issues confronting

Modified paid sick and safe days bill passed in D.C.

For those of you who have been tracking the legislation around the paid sick and safe days bill at the DC Council, I wanted

Hillaryland, and you and me.

However you feel about Hillary, it’s hard to deny that she represents far more than a Democratic bid for the presidency at every possible

DCWA: Economic security is key to the city's health.

In keeping with my promise last week, I’m back with more on the DC Women’s Agenda’s white paper, Voices and Choices for D.C. Women

Food Stamp Challenge: Lessons learned, from the personal to the global.

Well, I didn’t successfully complete the one-week D.C. Hunger Food Stamp Challenge, but, I did learn valuable lessons and new personal insights.  But first,

Food Stamp Challenge: Final reflections…

I did it! I made it through all seven full days of the Food Stamp Challenge without breaking! Day 4, Thursday, was okay.  Breakfast

Making the nonprofit sector a win for women…

As a co-chair of D.C.’s WIN‘s Nonprofit Network, I was responsible for sharing responsibility for planning a dinner party for the annual Women Opening Doors

Nisha prepares for D.C. Food Stamp Challenge…

In preparation for the Food Stamp Challenge next week, the policy wonk in me is coming out.  I wrote a paper with some colleagues

Federally funded fatherhood…fair?

A few weeks ago, in response to my post inspired by Oxygen’s new series, Who cares about girls?," one of our readers left a

Women Deserve a Critical Mass

David Broder’s recent column in the Washington Post made me flash back to the final days of the 103rd Congress. I was working for