In the Washington metropolitan region, nearly half a million women and girls are living in or near poverty. We all have a stake in building the economic security of our region’s women and girls. The Women’s Foundation works to mobilize our community and provide solutions to eliminate the persistent barriers that disproportionately hinder women and girls from achieving economic security.

Statement from Prosperity Together Regarding President Obama’s FY17 Budget

Statement from Prosperity Together Regarding President Obama’s FY17 Budget   Nonpartisan, National Coalition of Women’s Foundations Strongly Supports President Obama’s Budget Provisions Expanding Opportunities

Resource – Issue Brief on the Power and Potential of Women’s Philanthropy in the Washington Region.

On December 17, Washington Area Women’s Foundation released our latest issue brief: The Unprecedented Power and Potential of Women’s Philanthropy in the Washington Region. 

Pay It Forward

One of my favorite books is “Pay It Forward” by Catherine Ryan Hyde which was then made into a movie starring Haley Joel Osment,

We March On: Diversity, Unity & the March on Washington

On Saturday morning, I joined a group of colleagues, our family members and friends to create a Washington Area Women’s Foundation contingent for the 50th anniversary

National Coming Out Day: The Beginning of a Journey

We talk about “coming out” like it is a single act or event.  But coming out, and being out, is not a destination; it

A History of Women's Philanthropy

In the spirit of the theme of this year’s Women’s History Month, “Our History is Our Strength,” I wanted to take a moment to

A Conversation About Bullies, the Bullied & LGBTQ Teens

Last week, I wrote a blog post on the recent story about Tyler Clementi and other cases of bullying and cyber-bullying that have resulted

Growing Up in an Age of Enlightenment & Ignorance

My heart broke as I read about the story of Tyler Clementi this week, a freshman at Rutgers University who committed suicide after his

Remembering Liesel Flashenberg

This week, we lost a beloved member of our community – Liesel Flashenberg.  Liesel was a light and an innovator in the community, and

Grants for Organizations That Help Those Who are "Between the Cracks & at the Intersections"

Racism, classism, homophobia, oppression…diversity, cultural competency, inclusion, awareness…these are heady topics that have challenged (and frustrated) us as individuals, organizations, and a society for