Springtime Celebration Gives Homeless Women Sense of Safety, Normalcy

As part of the Leadership Awards public vote (underway now), each organization up for the $5,000 award has been offered an opportunity to use The Women’s Foundation blog to state their case.  Today, Thrive DC discusses the sense of renewal and normalcy women felt while participating in a Springtime Celebration.  Read what these organizations have to say, then head over to our online poll and vote.  It might be the easiest $5,000 you’ll ever give to a great cause.  — The Women’s Foundation

Thrive Spring PhotoThrive DC, formerly the Dinner Program for Homeless Women, provides comprehensive support for DC’s homeless and low-income residents.  Our “Dinner Program” provides services that are specifically designed to meet the special needs of women and children, particularly during vulnerable evening hours when women are most at risk of sexual-assault and violence.

One way in which Thrive DC works to build a sense of community and create important relationships between staff and individuals who have been marginalized from society and often times isolated from family and friends is through holding special celebrations and holiday parties.

Just last week, Thrive DC welcomed new beginnings and growth for all people through our Springtime Celebration.  During the celebration, each woman who attended our “Dinner Program” was greeted with a special meal, participated in a spring clothing fashion show, and received a small take-away gift made possible through the generosity of our supporters.

One woman commented, “The holiday parties they [Thrive DC] have remind me of a world I used to know.  I feel safe within the walls of Thrive DC.”

As each woman departed that evening, they were given a special gift that included a new scented bar of soap, washcloth, and pair of sandals.  These warm-weather essentials will ensure that the women who attend our programs are able to take care of themselves, make healthy choices, and remain comfortable even outdoors in the sweltering months to come.  Often providing the only sense of stability and support in participants’ lives, Thrive DC meets individuals’ most basic needs and enables women to concentrate on accessing onsite services needed to overcome their homelessness and increase self-sufficiency.

Help Thrive DC to provide renewed hope and opportunity for all women in the District of Columbia by voting for us today in the Leadership Awards online vote.  For more information on getting involved with Thrive DC, please find more information at www.ThriveDC.org or contact us directly at development@thrivedc.org.

Click here to vote in the Leadership Awards online vote!