Washington Area Women's Foundation

The Daily Rundown — The Latest News Affecting Women & Girls in Our Region.

Ara Sparkman with her belongings on a Milwaukee street. — Eviction has become a “particular burden” on low-income black women, according to new research. “Just as incarceration has become typical in the lives of poor black men, eviction has become typical in the lives of poor black women,” said the sociologist who conducted the research.  And evictions often send families further into debt.  To read more, click here.

— Every year, over 2,000 D.C. residents are released from prison.  Now, members of D.C.’s faith community are volunteering to help these former inmates re-enter society. Click here to find out what they’re doing.

— Calvary Women’s Services (which has a program — Calvary Women’s Shelter — that has received funding from The Women’s Foundation) has written an informative blog post called “Everything you need to know about Domestic Abuse in four easy answers.”  For information on what an abusive relationship looks like and what you can do if you’re in one or know someone who is, please click here.

Photo credit: Sally Ryan for The New York Times

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