— This afternoon, law enforcement officials are meeting to discuss a serial rapist who has been striking on the eastern seaboard since 1997. The Washington Post has the bulletin about the meeting here — the timing seems interesting. If something important comes out of this meeting, we’ll post an update on the blog.
— The number of homeless, female veterans is on the rise. This article on Huffington Post points out that women vets may have different service-related issues than men.
— This weekend, The Times Magazine ask what do women want… in films? The article previews the new Meryl Streep movie “It’s Complicated,” and looks for the formula for the perfect movie for women.
— With both Meryl Streep and Sandra Bullock getting nominated twice for Golden Globes yesterday, Jezebel.com boasts that women over 40 are “so hot in Hollywood this year.”
— Pop star Lady Gaga comes out as a “bit of a feminist.” About.com’s Guide to Women’s Issues wonders if this will change young women’s opinions about “the F word.”
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