— During the recession, benefits were often the first thing companies jettisoned to save money. The loss of family-friendly job benefits like flex time impacted women the most. This blog takes a look at how that might change as we come out of the recession.
— Half of urban teen girls will have one of three common sexually transmitted infections within two years of becoming sexually active, according to a new study out this month. Within four years of the first infection, 92% will have a subsequent STI. Click here for more information about the study.
— As the number of women on college campuses continues to grow, according to this Washington Post article, a panel will study whether men are favored in school admissions in our area. Women make up at least three-fifths of the applicants at many DC metro area schools. And in this Washington Post column, Petula Dvorak questions the method of changing admissions standards to admit more men.
— CNN profiles Washington Area Women’s Foundation Grantee Partner So Others Might Eat as they prepare for a fundraiser. They’re getting some help from Corcoran College of Art + Design, where students and faculty are making about 500 bowls for the Empty Bowls event in March. You can watch the story by clicking here.