Washington Area Women's Foundation

#our100days Day 28

News You Can Use

We’re approaching a three-day weekend! Looking for something to do? Consider a visit to the Newseum! Two new exhibits explore important issues:

“REFUGEE” depicts the lives of diverse populations dispersed and displaced throughout the world and includes stunning portraits of the new Americans, refugees recently settled in the United States.

“Louder Than Words: Rock, Power and Politics” will showcase the intersection between rock and politics and examine how artists exercise their First Amendment rights, challenge assumptions and beliefs, stimulate thought and affect change.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Visit the Newseum and using #our100days share one thing you learned as a result of your visit.

Sample Tweet:

Thanks to @TheWomensFndtn I’m checking out @Newseum’s “Refugee” & “Louder Than Words: Rock, Power and Politics” exhibits during #our100days