Washington Area Women's Foundation

#our100days Day 3

Ask the Question

Thanks for joining us in accomplishing today’s action. By focusing our efforts and working together, we can create lasting change for women and girls.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

A list of top issues on the new White House website fails to address priorities for women and families, including education, health care, child care, equal pay, civil rights, and LGBTQ rights.

Using #our100days, tweet at the White House and ask them what their agenda for women and girls will include.

Sample tweets:

@whitehouse How will you advance the rights of women and girls in #our100days?

@whitehouse (fill in the blank with your issue) is important to me. How will @POTUS advance (fill in the blank) in #our100days?

After more than 1 million women marched nationwide, what will the @whitehouse & @POTUS do to address their concerns in #our100days?

If you don’t have a Twitter handle, send a letter or an email. Just follow these easy steps: wikihow.com/Contact-the-President-of-the-United-States