Washington Area Women's Foundation

#our100days Day 98

$100 For Her

This Sunday will mark the 100th day since the Women’s March on Washington, when Our 100 Days began.  Since then you have learned about what is happening with women in our region. You’ve thanked the mayor, you’ve visited museums, you’ve understood how local and federal budgets impact women, you’ve supported local woman businesses, you’ve volunteered, and more.  And you’ve tweeted, a lot. You have been there for women, and for that, we are grateful.
Today, we need you to invest in women and girls.  One in four women and their families are living on the financial edge in our region. Every day we are working with our partners to create opportunities to help move women from poverty to economic stability.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

We ask you to give $100 in honor of all we have done together during Our 100 Days, and to fuel us to be fierce for women in the days ahead.

Sample Tweet:

I’m investing $100 in the power of women and girls.  Join me in making a gift to @TheWomensFndtn! bit.ly/2ptzseN #our100days