— Hundreds of women gathered in Rockville for the Women’s Legislative Briefing. Up for discussion — legislative proposals that could affect the lives of working women in Maryland. This year’s priorities will center around mothers in poverty. Click here to listen to a story about their discussion.
— The economy might be in recovery, but the nonprofit sector is still suffering. According to the Wall Street Journal, nonprofits around the country continue to be hit with closings and mergers. The article highlights Women Empowered Against Violence (WEAVE), a Washington Area Women’s Foundation Grantee Partner that was in danger of closing after losing government funding last fall. Click here for more.
— CNN’s Candy Crowley is the new host of the Sunday morning political program “State of the Union.” She is the only female anchor on the national Sunday morning news shows, and says this is the first time she’s made a major career move without worrying about balancing her roles as a journalist and parent. Click here for more.
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