In today’s rundown: Montgomery County political candidates speak to the nonprofit community via a candidates’ questionnaire. Two of the candidates in D.C.’s biggest race get ready to go head to head. Is the District still a city divided by race?
— Nonprofit Montgomery has released the 2010 Candidates Questionnaire — in-their-own-words responses to questions about Montgomery County and the nonprofit community. Click here to read the responses. (via Washington Grantmakers Daily)
— With just a couple of weeks to go before D.C.’s September 14 primary, mayoral candidates Adrian Fenty and Vincent Gray will face off in a Washington Post sponsored debate tomorrow at the Newseum. There aren’t any tickets left, but you can watch the debate live online at Noon.
— In spite of the progress that’s been made nationally and locally, we are still a region divided when it comes to race, economics and class, according to Petula Dvorak’s column in today’s Washington Post.