Washington Area Women's Foundation

The Daily Rundown — The Latest News Affecting Women & Girls in Our Region

In today’s rundown: New details about the first-ever national plan to combat new HIV and AIDS cases.  |  Long term unemployment benefits will not be extended.  |  News from our Grantee Partners.

— Later today, President Obama will lay out a plan to combat new cases of HIV and AIDS. The plan is expected to have three parts and will direct more money to states with higher numbers of HIV/AIDS infections. D.C. has one of the highest infection rates in the country. Click here to find out what D.C. Appleseed, a Women’s Foundation Grantee Partner, has to say about the new plan.

— It appears that help for Americans who have been unemployed for at least 99 weeks will be off the table when the U.S. Senate resumes the debate about whether to extend emergency jobless benefits.  There are 1.4 million workers who have been jobless for so long that they’ve reached the limit for unemployment insurance.  According to The Washington Post, the number has grown sixfold in the past three years.

— And in its editorial pages, the Post calls the decision not to extend benefits “shortsighted,” arguing that unemployment benefits would be circulated back into the economy which “could benefit from more stimulus spending, not less.”

— If you’re planning on watching tonight’s MLB All-Star game, keep an eye out for the executive director of one of our Grantee Partners.  Mark Bergel from A Wider Circle is being honored at the game as an “All Star Among Us.”  Click here to learn more. And you can follow Mark’s experiences on A Wider Circle’s Twitter feed.

— Another Grantee Partner, ASHA for Women, is presenting a special screening of the film Bhool.  It’s the portrayal of a woman’s struggle to survive life’s unexpected curve balls.  Bhool was created by local artists.  Click here for details.