This morning Avis Thomas-Lester posted a blog entry about a WESC webinar being held tomorrow that will discuss efforts to help women improve their job skills, education and to ask Congress to consider policies that help low-income women improve their financial standing.
Thomas-Lester writes:
I spent some time yesterday on the telephone with an entrepreneur friend of mine who is now looking for a job because her Spanish translation/interpretation/teaching business has been tanked by the recession. She’s one of several friends who have seen their once-thriving businesses suffer because people don’t have money for such luxuries as Spanish lessons these days.
My friend can depend on her husband to sustain her through the tough times, but many other women are finding paying the rent, utilities and groceries more difficult. The Women’s Economic Security Campaign is set to hold a webinar Wednesday to release information on efforts to help low-income women recover from the economic crisis….
Click here to read the full post. And for more information on registration for the webinar, please click here.