A new report from Washington Area Women’s Foundation highlights the devastating effect that HIV/AIDS continues to have on the Washington metropolitan region.
2010 Portrait of Women & Girls in the Washington Metropolitan Area (Portrait Project 2010) shows that the District of Columbia has an annual AIDS case rate of 90 cases per 100,000 women aged 13 and over; that rate is almost 12 times higher than the national rate (7.7 cases per 100,000 women). The report also shows that Maryland has an annual AIDS case rate for women almost three times the national rate.
Nationwide, African American women are at the greatest risk for HIV/AIDS, and D.C. is no exception. The AIDS case rate for African American women aged 13 and over in the District of Columbia is over 176 cases per 100,000 women.
“HIV/AIDS is one of the fastest-growing threats to women’s health in our region,” said Nicky Goren, president of Washington Area Women’s Foundation. “As D.C. grapples with a pending budget crisis, this health crisis must remain part of the conversation.”
In addition to data on HIV/AIDS, Portrait Project 2010 suggests policies and strategies that would improve the health of women and girls in the region. The report encourages residents to advocate with policymakers to adopt and support better health practices for women and girls that take into account their unique risks for particular diseases, such as HIV. Portrait Project 2010 also encourages the investment in outreach and education for improved preventative services and screenings.
2010 Portrait of Women & Girls in the Washington Metropolitan Area provides a clear and current look at the lives of women and girls in the District of Columbia, Montgomery County, MD, Prince George’s County, MD and northern Virginia and in coming years will serve as a critical tool locally and beyond for policymakers, community‐based organizations and funders. It can be read online by clicking here.