#our100days Day 90

Let Her Learn

The National Women’s Law Center recently released a series of reports, Let Her Learn: Stopping School Pushout, examining the educational barriers facing girls. The report found that:

  • Almost 1 in 3 girls report experiencing sexual assault or violence.
  • More than 2 in 3 girls report experiencing symptoms related to post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Nearly 1 in 9 girls has experienced homelessness at some point in her life.
  • 55 percent of Latina girls, 38 percent of Asian/Pacific Islander girls, and 30 percent of Black girls worry that a friend or family member will be deported.

The report recommends that policymakers engage girls in the process of crafting policy solutions that will reduce educational barriers.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

The Let Her Learn series contains eight reports. Take a moment to review their findings and share on social media using #our100days.
Visit our website to learn more about our Young Women’s Initiative, a city-wide effort to improve life outcomes and increase opportunities for young women, girls, transgender women, and gender non-conforming youth of color between the ages of 12-24. Consider making a gift today to support this important work!

Sample Tweets:

I’m investing in the future of women and girls in DC via @TheWomensFndtnhttp://bit.ly/Give2WAWF #our100days

.@TheWomensFndtn is launching a Young Women’s Initiative to improve outcomes for girls & young women of color  #our100days wawf.org/MeetYWI

Trauma, harassment, & negative experiences derail too many girls’ futures. It’s time to #LetHerLearn. on.nwlc.org/2oSNHJR  #our100days


#our100days Day 89

Money Talks

This Thursday, April 20th, join us for a Twitter chat with Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche, who creates a positive and measurable lifestyle shift, through financial education.The chat, “Money Tips For Women & Girls” will feature Tiffany’s advice for the best way women and girls can budget, save and invest in their futures.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Follow us on Twitter and join our #WAWFChat on April 20th at 1PM ET and be sure to invite your Twitter network. All they have to do is use the hashtag #WAWFChat and let us know if you have any questions for The Budgetnista!

Sample Tweets:

Excited to join @TheWomensFndtn’s #WAWFChat with @TheBudgetnista tomorrow at 1pm ET! #our100days

Learn money tips from @TheBudgetnista on 4/20 at 1PM ET during @TheWomensFndtn’s #WAWFChat #our100days


#our100days Day 88

Stay Woke

ESSENCE released its first ever “Woke 100 Women” list dedicated to women who are “blazing trails for equal rights and inclusion for Black people in America.” Each woman on the list reminds us that everyone can change the world. 

There are too many Washington, DC residents to name them all – some amazing examples include Sibyl Edwards, co-founder of Black Female Founders; bucking the trend that only 7% of investor money goes to women-led startups; Laura Weidman Powers, CEO of Code 2040 and champion for blacks and Latinx in tech; CNN’s recently added Political Analyst, April Ryan, who served for 20 years as the White House Correspondent for American Urban Radio. 

Congratulations to ESSENCE on a great list of inspirational change makers!

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Take a moment to review ESSENCE’s “Woke 100 Women” list! Let these women inspire you and celebrate our hometown honorees. Read through and share on social media who from the list most inspires you, and who could be included on next year’s list.

Sample Tweets:

Congratulations to @Essence for the “Woke 100 Women” list. I’m inspired by @saedwards to invest in women-led start ups. #our100days


Congratulations to @Essence for their “Woke 100 Women” list, I am inspired by @MaxineWaters to speak my mind and lead. #our100days


Congratulations to @Essence for their new “Woke 100 Women” list.” Next year ____ should be on the list. #our100days #woke100


#our100days Day 87

Bias in Reviews

Last week, the Harvard Business Review published Paola Cecchi-Dimeglio’s article that shares some solutions to gender bias in annual workplace review processes. She tells us “women were 1.4 times more likely to receive critical subjective feedback (as opposed to either positive feedback or critical objective feedback).”  Cecchi-Dimeglio suggests “by using more-objective criteria, involving a broader group of reviewers, and adjusting the frequency of reviews, it is possible to remove subjective biases that creep in.”

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Read Cecchi-Dimeglio’s article and consider how bias is likely playing a role in your workplace’s annual review process.  Then share the article with 3 people who shape review processes or conduct annual reviews – make sure at least one of them is a man!

Sample Tweets:

Read @HBRexchange’s article on #gender biases in annual reviews & share with someone who needs it! wawf.org/2nNqppL #our100days

I read @HBRexchange’s article on #gender biases in annual reviews & will find ways to increase focus on objective data #our100days

I read @HBRexchange’s gender biases in annual reviews article, and will ask for more constructive feedback in my next review #our100days

I read @HBRexchange’s gender biases in annual reviews article & will share more constructive feedback regularly w/ employees  #our100days


#our100days Day 86

All That Jazz

April is Jazz Appreciation Month (JAM), and 2017 is the centennial of The First Lady of Song, Ella Fitzgerald.  Women have made waves as vocalists, composers, and instrumentalists since the genre came into existence in the late 19th century.  As is true in other fields, women in the world of jazz are often less well-known than their male counterparts.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Take some time to learn about jazz greats by visiting the National Museum of American History, on Tuesday, April 18.  Docents will present fascinating objects related to women in jazz . Can’t make it? Watch a conversation by the International Sweethearts of Rhythm, America’s first integrated, female big band as they talk about their time on the stage.  If you’re itching to hear some good music, there are plenty of live jazz shows in and around the nation’s capital. Take a gander at the DC Jazz calendar and support the women of jazz’s present.

Sample Tweets:

I’m taking a trip to @amhistorymuseum to learn about the legacy of women in jazz. s.si.edu/1BMnUOO #our100days

My favorite female jazz vocalist/musician is _______. #our100days

I’m going to a live jazz performance by ____. Check out her awesome music!  #our100days


#our100days Day 85

Our Report on the DC Budget

On April 13, 2017, we released our newest report, Towards A Thriving City: A Review of the Impact of the Proposed 2018 D.C. Budget on Girls, Women and Families. The report, the first of its kind for the Foundation, provides a detailed analysis of proposed expenditures in relation to the needs of low-income girls, women and families in the City in critical areas such as housing, childcare, social supports, workforce development and violence.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Using social media, share the report and tell us one thing you learned!

Sample Tweets:

.@TheWomensFndtn Report on Impact of #DC Budget on Girls, Women & Families is a Must Read for Residents. wawf.org/DCBudgetReport #our100days

Just finished @TheWomensFndtn’s Report on Impact of #DC Budget on Girls, Women & Families. Read & share: wawf.org/DCBudgetReport #our100days


#our100days Day 84

Searching for Girls who Play Chess

Move over Bobby Fischer! There are new chess players on the rise, and they’re competing in DC this Saturday!  While female-only tournaments have their detractors, they are integral to increasing participation of more women and girls in the game.  Although women have competed alongside men at top chess events since the late ’80s, there’s still a big participation and performance gap in the intellectual sport.  Tackling gender disparities in chess is important; chess is not only fun, but it also builds confidence and improves STEM learning and strategic thinking skills. Let’s encourage girls to get into the game early on.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

If you know of any DC-based female chess players in grades K-12, encourage them to register for Saturday’s DC Scholastic Chess tournament.  There’s a rated and unrated section!  
Do you know a young lady who is interested in chess but who isn’t ready to compete just yet? Encourage them to join Chess Girls DC, the host of Saturday’s tournament.  Chess Girls DC develops local girls’ interest in chess through weekly chess classes, field trips, featured speakers, and access to regional and national chess tournaments.

Sample Tweets:

I’m going to cheer on aspiring chess masters at the District of Columbia All Girls Scholastic Cup! bit.ly/2otAxme  #our100days

I’m investing in the new generation of female chess players with a donation to @chessgirls bit.ly/2nG5e8P #our100days


#our100days Day 83

Stop Street Harassment

According to a 2014 national survey, 65% of women have experienced street harassment. The unwanted comments, whistles, or honking can make just walking down the street feel unsafe. How can we handle street harassment more effectively?

Here’s what we’re doing today:

hollaback! is a network of activists whose mission is to build safe, inclusive public spaces by transforming the culture that perpetuates discrimination and violence. They provide resources for how to respond to street harassment and offer a safe space where women can share their experiences. Check out how they suggest handling street harassment. Share key tips you’ve learned when dealing with street harassment or how it makes you feel on social media using #our100days.

Sample Tweets:

You can deal with street harassment by ____.   #our100days

.@iHollaback provides tips for how to respond to street harassment. Read & share: bit.ly/2n7nJBY #our100days


#our100days Day 82

Lessons in Self-Care

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, women are 60% more likely than men to experience an anxiety disorder during their lifetime.  During these unpredictable times, it can be difficult to watch the news or be engaged with what’s happening across the globe without becoming stressed or anxious.  Heightened anxiety can affect our work, home life and our health overall. It’s important to take a moment each day to practice self-care.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Watch one of the TED Talks from the importance of self-care playlist based on your area of need or check out Alex Elle’s #aNote2Self Meditation Journal Vol. 2.  Share how you practice self-care with your friends and family on social media using #our100days.

Sample Tweets:

I practice self-care by _____  #our100days

Need some self-care tips? Check out & share these @TEDTalks wawf.org/2o25Y3B #our100days

How do you practice self-care? Share your tips and tricks using #our100days


#our100days Day 81

How Unequal Pay Leads to Greater Interest

Last week, Equal Pay Day had everyone talking about pay equity.  Let’s keep the conversation going and talk about the ramifications of unfair pay.  According to Bloomberg News, since women make less than men, it takes us longer to pay off our student loans.  As a result, we end up paying more in interest.  This leaves less money to save for a down payment for a house, to save for retirement, or to start a business. American Association of University Women’s study shows us this is particularly harmful for black and Hispanic women.  As our issue brief on workforce development points out, our region’s labor market increasingly requires post secondary credentials for a job that pays family sustaining wages and benefits. Still, the median wage for men with a bachelor’s degree in our region is $73,937 and the median for women is $54,425.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Read the Bloomberg News article and commit to paying off any of your student loans in a shorter amount of time.  Save interest.  Share your tips for paying down student loans on social media.

Sample Tweets:

I made an extra payment on my student loans with my tax return #interestsaved. #our100days

I pay more than the minimum required monthly payment for my student loans. #our100days

I negotiated my interest rate to lower the amount owed for my student loans. #our100days