#our100days Day 100

Forward Together

Thank you for being a part of #our100days!  With your help, we performed 100 actions designed to raise awareness of what’s happening in our community with women and girls. Together we shared a movement, but it does not end here.

What matters now is what we do in the next 100 days and the 100 days after that. Forward Together!

#our100days Day 99

What Can Happen in 100 Days…

Today marks President Trump’s 100th day in office. Washington Area Women’s Foundation is releasing a report that summarizes actions impacting women and families.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Read our report, “Forward Together: A Reflection on the Impact of the First 100 Days of the Trump Administration on Low-Income Girls, Women and Their Families,” and share on social media using #our100days.

Sample Tweet:

.@TheWomensFdntn examines impact of first 100 days on women and families wawf.org/100DaysReport1 #our100days


#our100days Day 98

$100 For Her

This Sunday will mark the 100th day since the Women’s March on Washington, when Our 100 Days began.  Since then you have learned about what is happening with women in our region. You’ve thanked the mayor, you’ve visited museums, you’ve understood how local and federal budgets impact women, you’ve supported local woman businesses, you’ve volunteered, and more.  And you’ve tweeted, a lot. You have been there for women, and for that, we are grateful.
Today, we need you to invest in women and girls.  One in four women and their families are living on the financial edge in our region. Every day we are working with our partners to create opportunities to help move women from poverty to economic stability.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

We ask you to give $100 in honor of all we have done together during Our 100 Days, and to fuel us to be fierce for women in the days ahead.

Sample Tweet:

I’m investing $100 in the power of women and girls.  Join me in making a gift to @TheWomensFndtn! bit.ly/2ptzseN #our100days


#our100days Day 97

Stand Up Against Racism

From April 27-30, the YWCA will hold its 10th annual Stand Against Racism campaign, designed to build community among those who work for racial justice and to raise awareness about the negative impact of institutional and structural racism in our communities.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Take the Stand Against Racism pledge!

 Participate in tomorrow’s twitter chat at 3pm EST using #StandAgainstRacism.

Sample Tweet:

I #StandAgainstRacism and with @TheWomensFndtn and women and girls of color in #DC. #our100days standagainstracism.org/pledge


#our100days Day 96

She’s Influential

Last week, TIME released its 100 Most Influential People list, with 40 women appearing on the list – from Viola Davis to Gretchen Carlson to Simone Biles to Melinda Gates. Click here to read more about how the list was compiled.

Here’s what we’re doing today:
As we approach the conclusion of #our100days, we want to hear from you! Which woman (or women) would you nominate to a list of the 100 Most Influential People and why?

Sample Tweet:

I nominate __________ to #our100days most influential people list because _______.


#our100days Day 95

Teacher Well-Being

This article from the New America Foundation highlights the importance of well-being for early childhood educators and discusses one of their biggest stressors—low pay.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Using #our100days, share the article on social media and take a moment to learn more about a regional effort designed to address teacher quality and compensation.

Sample Tweets:

Read the @NewAmerica article about teacher well-being: wawf.org/2q8fvaL #our100days

I learned _____ from the @NewAmerica article about teacher well-being: wawf.org/2q8fvaL#our100days


#our100days Day 94

Justice for Survivors

Previous #our100days action items have highlighted the increased media attention on disappeared girls in DC. In response, last month, Mayor Bowser appointed a new Task Force on Missing and Exploited Children.

It’s important to understand the roots causes of why girls are leaving their homes, going missing or disappearing.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

On April 25 and 26 from 6:30-10pm, FAIR Girls will be holding a Night of the Girl event to showcase the injustices that young women exiting sex trafficking face and how we can support their path to freedom. The event will take place at the Embassy Row Hotel, 2015 Massachusetts Avenue, NW. To rsvp or for more information click here.

Sample Tweets:

I am attending the @FAIR_Girls Night of the Girl Event on April 25th: wawf.org/2oopn3 #our100days

@FAIR_Girls is showcasing the injustices that young women exiting sex trafficking face on April 25th: wawf.org/2oopn3  #our100days


#our100days Day 93

Budget Woes

With all of the breaking news headlines of late, you may have missed a fairly significant piece of news: Congress must agree on the federal budget by midnight on April 28 in order to avoid a government shutdown. Experts are split on whether they think Congress and the President can avoid a shutdown, but this Washington Post article provides a great summary of three possible scenarios.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Do you remember “I’m Just a Bill” from Schoolhouse Rock? First released in 1976, its description of the legislative process still rings true today and is worth watching again!
Interested in learning more about the federal budget process? Click here to visit the National Priorities Project’s Federal Budget 101 toolkit to better understand the budget process, where the money comes from, where the money goes, and borrowing and the federal debt.
Using  #our100days, share with us one thing that you learned about the federal budget, and/or highlight a federal program that supports women and girls.

Sample Tweets:

Congress will debate the budget this week, I learned the basics @natpriorities because EITC lifting women out of poverty matters.  #our100days

Congress will debate the budget this week, I learned the basics @natpriorities because WIC feeding moms and babies matters. #our100days


#our100days Day 92

Made in DC

Every day is a good day to support woman owned businesses! Women are making great products in DC, so carve out some time today to explore items for sale made by creative women entrepreneurs. Whether it’s a t-shirt designed to show how people “affect change within themselves, and in their communities” from District of Clothing, some natural bath and beauty products from Hunny Bunny or a bag to put it all in from Scout Bag, there are lots of women doing business in DC.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Learn about more great woman owned businesses when you visit the Made in DC website and support local business today!

Sample Tweets:

I love to buy products made by #women in #DC. One of my favorites is @style_district. #our100days

I love products made by #women in #DC, like lotion from @love_hunnybunny -thanks to a mom who wanted better lotion for her kids. #our100days


#our100days Day 91

Calling All Math and Science Lovers!

Women make up half of the total U.S. college-educated workforce, but only 29% of the science and engineering workforce according to the National Girls Collaborative Project, a project committed to informing and encouraging girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Looking for something to do tomorrow? DC will provide two opportunities to encourage girls and young women to think about STEM-related fields—the March on Science and the National Math Festival.

Here’s what we’re doing today:

Start planning your action-packed Saturday now!
The March on Science will be held on the National Mall on Saturday, April 22, beginning at 8am. The march will include speakers, musical guests, and teach-ins. Check out the teach-in agenda and consider taking a girl or young woman in your life to explore and learn a little more.
The National Math Festival will take place on Saturday from 10am–7pm at the Washington Convention Center. There will be lectures, hands-on demonstrations, art, films, performances, puzzles, games, and more. Check out the schedule and find an activity that interests a girl or young woman in your life.

Sample Tweets:

My favorite woman scientist is _______ because _______. #our100days

I learned _______ at the March on Science! #our100days

I learned _______  at the National Math Festival!  #our100days